GD2 旅行计划!大家请留意!还有,记得一定要留言!!!
Published by SinG under ~ON~posts~ on 12/16/2009 02:08:00 上午
大家好! 这是我们Blog的第200个帖子,也恰巧的刚好要讨论到我们即将到来的旅行计划!所以大家留意了!因为需要大家的支持和配合,我们的旅行计划才能顺利进行。
Hi every body ! This is our 200th Post in the blog, and so fortunately, we are going to discuss our travel plan ! So everybody please take it serious , because we need your support and corporations , then our plan can go through successfully.
日期:暂定于一月十三日(星期三)- 一月十六日(星期六),四天三夜。
游玩景点1:第一日,早上—咖啡山(bukit larut) , 空气清凉,可以看太平风景,可以拍照。类似升旗山那样的。中午,太平湖,拍照,走走看看,喜欢的话可以去踏船。晚上,太平吃吃东西,嗯。。。大概这样。第二日,早上未定,或者去瀑布戏水。原定中午启程往Teluk Batik出发,去海边野餐玩水(一整天够累了吧?)。其它景点:十八丁渔村的咖喱面蛮好吃,还有太平的芝麻叉烧,还有盐kok鸡,nyonya 糕,(不介意的话,太平有好吃的麦当当)哦,另外,如果有时间有兴趣的话,可以带你们去太平博物馆看看~
游玩景点2 :怡保区。因为不是我的地盘,所以,暂定是去那些怡保洞啊,三宝洞,极乐洞,椰壳洞等等的。然后,怡保街道啊,怡保美食啊,还有~ 怡保美女。。。 =.= ! 然后 gopeng 某一个瀑布啊~ 等等。 暂定玩两天~
First Plan :
Location : Taiping + Ipoh
Date : January 13rd (Wednesday) – January 16th (Saturday), Four days three nights.
Travel places : First day , we will go Bukit Larut in the morning, there have cold weather (not too cold la), can see the view of Taiping and photo shooting.It is a place like Bukit Bendera. Afternoon, we will go to Taiping Lake Garden to shoot photo , and walk walk see see..hehe. Second day , may be we can go to waterfall , but the original plan is go toTeluk Batik by afternoon , these is a sea site then we can play and swim there. Other places we have tasty food… such as Kuala Sepetang Curry Mee, Nyonya Kuih, n many many else… ( and…. If you all don't mind… Taiping have tasty Mcdonalds….)
至于交通,我们有如英plus惠欣的车~so ~ 交通方面应该不成问题。这个计划的优点是游玩景点比较多,比较不会闷。但是 住宿方面大家就要share share 租hotel 的钱。所以开销会比较大一些。若不喜欢这个计划,请参考第二计划。
For the transport, we have The Eng and Hui Sing’s car. So I think there is not big problem for transport. This plan have more places to play and not so boring. But all of you need to spend more because we need to share money to rent a hotel for three days. If you don't like this plan , please refer to the second plan.
日期:暂定于一月十四日(星期四)-- 一月十六日(星期六),三天两夜。
游玩景点:云顶你们都知道啦~ 就是一天去玩 theme park outdoor + indoor , 一天就拿来晃~到处走走拍照~ 当然~还有就是~~~进赌场啦!!!!呵呵呵!
这个计划的优点是地点简单,每个人都可以来,暂定我们会驾车上去,若不能,就搭lrt 和巴士咯~价格不超过十五元 ~(从KL地区啦)。而且地点一样,我们也不用驾车跑来跑去那么累。而且hotel 应该也不会太贵,因为才住两天嘛,大家公司应该不会太贵的。然后我们可以一大班人去玩那些游乐设施~应该很刺激的咯~ 本人很期待一下 。。。。 然后,玩完了我们就可以一起回pj 读书了。。。
Second Plan :
Location : Genting Highland
Date : January 14th (Thursday) – Januaru 16th (Saturday) , three days two nights.
All of you sure know about genting. So I didn't introduce more on that. As u all know , we will play at the theme park , and then ~ casino ~ of course…
The advantages of this plan is simple , everybody also easy to join. For now we will plan to drive there , or else , we can go by LRT and bus , don't worry , the fees will not more than RM15 like that. And we don't need so tired for driving and rushing here and there. And the fees for the hotel also not too expensive I think.
当然,如果你们有任何问题想要更改计划的话,请让我们知道。我们希望大家都能够参与这次的旅行~~!这样才够热闹,才够意义嘛! 还有,请留言告诉我们,你觉得哪一个计划比较好,不然我们很难做决定,也很难实行这个计划。当然,想参与的,一定要留言!!我们要尽快确定好真正的人数和日期!!! 真的请大家配合!!!谢啦! 我们到时见!!!!!欢迎你的意见和回复! 不要懒惰回复啊! 这个真的很重要。。。。
Of course, if you have any problem and would like to change the plan , please let us know. We hope all of you can join the travel ~ and like that oni meaningful and meriah ah mah ~
And please leave your comment to let us know which plan are you prefer. If not , we are very hard to make decision, and this plan will be hard to go on. For those who wish to join , and able to join , please must comment !!! We need to know who wan to go and to decide the date….
Please be corporate~!! Thanks ~!!!
Remember… leave your comment !! It is very very important !!
P.S: 看在惠欣那么勤力写完这整篇文章的份上,拜托给一下面子,不要懒惰留言啦!OK !!!!
Hi every body ! This is our 200th Post in the blog, and so fortunately, we are going to discuss our travel plan ! So everybody please take it serious , because we need your support and corporations , then our plan can go through successfully.
日期:暂定于一月十三日(星期三)- 一月十六日(星期六),四天三夜。
游玩景点1:第一日,早上—咖啡山(bukit larut) , 空气清凉,可以看太平风景,可以拍照。类似升旗山那样的。中午,太平湖,拍照,走走看看,喜欢的话可以去踏船。晚上,太平吃吃东西,嗯。。。大概这样。第二日,早上未定,或者去瀑布戏水。原定中午启程往Teluk Batik出发,去海边野餐玩水(一整天够累了吧?)。其它景点:十八丁渔村的咖喱面蛮好吃,还有太平的芝麻叉烧,还有盐kok鸡,nyonya 糕,(不介意的话,太平有好吃的麦当当)哦,另外,如果有时间有兴趣的话,可以带你们去太平博物馆看看~
游玩景点2 :怡保区。因为不是我的地盘,所以,暂定是去那些怡保洞啊,三宝洞,极乐洞,椰壳洞等等的。然后,怡保街道啊,怡保美食啊,还有~ 怡保美女。。。 =.= ! 然后 gopeng 某一个瀑布啊~ 等等。 暂定玩两天~
First Plan :
Location : Taiping + Ipoh
Date : January 13rd (Wednesday) – January 16th (Saturday), Four days three nights.
Travel places : First day , we will go Bukit Larut in the morning, there have cold weather (not too cold la), can see the view of Taiping and photo shooting.It is a place like Bukit Bendera. Afternoon, we will go to Taiping Lake Garden to shoot photo , and walk walk see see..hehe. Second day , may be we can go to waterfall , but the original plan is go toTeluk Batik by afternoon , these is a sea site then we can play and swim there. Other places we have tasty food… such as Kuala Sepetang Curry Mee, Nyonya Kuih, n many many else… ( and…. If you all don't mind… Taiping have tasty Mcdonalds….)
至于交通,我们有如英plus惠欣的车~so ~ 交通方面应该不成问题。这个计划的优点是游玩景点比较多,比较不会闷。但是 住宿方面大家就要share share 租hotel 的钱。所以开销会比较大一些。若不喜欢这个计划,请参考第二计划。
For the transport, we have The Eng and Hui Sing’s car. So I think there is not big problem for transport. This plan have more places to play and not so boring. But all of you need to spend more because we need to share money to rent a hotel for three days. If you don't like this plan , please refer to the second plan.
日期:暂定于一月十四日(星期四)-- 一月十六日(星期六),三天两夜。
游玩景点:云顶你们都知道啦~ 就是一天去玩 theme park outdoor + indoor , 一天就拿来晃~到处走走拍照~ 当然~还有就是~~~进赌场啦!!!!呵呵呵!
这个计划的优点是地点简单,每个人都可以来,暂定我们会驾车上去,若不能,就搭lrt 和巴士咯~价格不超过十五元 ~(从KL地区啦)。而且地点一样,我们也不用驾车跑来跑去那么累。而且hotel 应该也不会太贵,因为才住两天嘛,大家公司应该不会太贵的。然后我们可以一大班人去玩那些游乐设施~应该很刺激的咯~ 本人很期待一下 。。。。 然后,玩完了我们就可以一起回pj 读书了。。。
Second Plan :
Location : Genting Highland
Date : January 14th (Thursday) – Januaru 16th (Saturday) , three days two nights.
All of you sure know about genting. So I didn't introduce more on that. As u all know , we will play at the theme park , and then ~ casino ~ of course…
The advantages of this plan is simple , everybody also easy to join. For now we will plan to drive there , or else , we can go by LRT and bus , don't worry , the fees will not more than RM15 like that. And we don't need so tired for driving and rushing here and there. And the fees for the hotel also not too expensive I think.
当然,如果你们有任何问题想要更改计划的话,请让我们知道。我们希望大家都能够参与这次的旅行~~!这样才够热闹,才够意义嘛! 还有,请留言告诉我们,你觉得哪一个计划比较好,不然我们很难做决定,也很难实行这个计划。当然,想参与的,一定要留言!!我们要尽快确定好真正的人数和日期!!! 真的请大家配合!!!谢啦! 我们到时见!!!!!欢迎你的意见和回复! 不要懒惰回复啊! 这个真的很重要。。。。
Of course, if you have any problem and would like to change the plan , please let us know. We hope all of you can join the travel ~ and like that oni meaningful and meriah ah mah ~
And please leave your comment to let us know which plan are you prefer. If not , we are very hard to make decision, and this plan will be hard to go on. For those who wish to join , and able to join , please must comment !!! We need to know who wan to go and to decide the date….
Please be corporate~!! Thanks ~!!!
Remember… leave your comment !! It is very very important !!
P.S: 看在惠欣那么勤力写完这整篇文章的份上,拜托给一下面子,不要懒惰留言啦!OK !!!!
since mama u so kesian...
i giving u respond is...
i follow wat u plan....
所我要流着泪对你们说... 你们玩得开心点 T.T
i thk both also can..taiping is kesian those driving de la...
genting is near but i thk is fun too although been there few tis..
wit different ppl different feeling a...
but anyway..also can..
Diana : 我们会玩埋你的份的~很可惜这次你没得去~知道你最爱这个地方~唉~我们到时会photoshop你进去我们的合照~
Esther :=.= ! 好啦好啦~如果去怡保的话你负责~云顶房间你负责~ 呵呵
C teng : so great if u can go and the date is suitable~ ^_^
erm...i like both of the plan too...
like u say...the 1st plan the driver wil very tired lo...but is more to natural la...i love natural..hehe~~
Then the 2nd plan, GENTING is more convenience for us lo..bcos is near and no need to travel everyday to get fun,rite...i love the environment thr...cold everyday~~ wakaka~~
HEY...i gt 1 SUGGESTION...go climb Broga hill lo...ok?
we can take picture there...the environment is good..but is tired la..
may b we can make it b4 GENTING...after that we can straight go genting rest then play theme park game!!!
Gopeng...wat a familiar sound...
Where is Broga Hill ?! fun !?
Wei wei : ya ~ if go ipoh then u bring us go around ya ` hahaha
???u bring along camera to climb Broga hill..?
wahliao~ not enough comment...
so far the responds is so a few..
we plan to stay 1 day only...
wahliao~ not enough comment...
so far the responds is so a few..
we plan to stay 1 day only...
erm...if go Broga Hill must bring along camera baru syiok ma...
the scene thr is verry kao lat beautiful~~
Hey....go Genting la...i'm start missing it d....
LAST comfirmation !! we going to book hotel now... if really no much people go , we just book 1 room oni !!!! so please faster tell me u guys wan go or not...